It takes an estimated 6 to 7 mutations before a cell becomes anomolous. Our bodies have 3 defenses against this. We can stop mutated cells from replicating (cell arrest). We can repair certain mutations. We can destroy cells that are beyond repair. Elephants and Ants are exceptional at this. Elephants have an abundance of TP53 gene copies (many more than we do) which helps with all three of these functions. Ants make a powerful DNA repair ingredient called Irododial. We have only one copy of the TP53 gene and do not make Irododial, but oral ellagic acid and ant extract may serve the same purpose.
The naked Mole Rat has an excellent defense against anomalous tissue. This is due to the high level of Hyaluronic acid (HA) in their system. Not only do they make more than we do, but theirs is larger. Additionally, they do not make as much of the enzyme (HAase) that breaks down HA as we do. In this manner, even if they develop anomalous tissue, it is unlikely to penetrate the stronger connective tissue and cause systemic issues. Taking in additional HA as well as HAase inhibitors may be considered wise in today’s world.
Autopsies on average people who die in car crashes reveals that nearly half of men and women over 40 have micro-pathologies of the breast and prostate. The fact that they appeared at all means that they had (1) toxicity to create the pathologies and (2) had a failure of their immune system to destroy the rogue cells. That the micro-pathologies did not yet become invasive means that, at least for the moment, there was not enough angiogenesis to let the pathology grow past 0.5 cubic centimeters. Ellagic acid is great for managing angiogenesis.