- Colostrum
Our enhanced-delivery, therapeutic grade colostrum comes from USDA Grade A dairies from cows who are treated with respect, free to roam in the outdoors and grass-fed, and are of the rarer A2 variety – the ones that do not contain the mutated Casein that causes a whole host of problems.
Our colostrum comes from cows which are all certified BST, BSE and antibiotic-free!
SGD 65.00 - Chlorella Pyrenoidosa
WOW Chlorella is the result of many years of site survey research before a perfect, clean, and completely unpolluted environment was earmarked for cultivation. With a direct and pristine supply of mountain spring water (unlike municipal water used by other chlorella producers), plenty of sunlight, stable and optimal temperature conditions – chlorella of the highest quality can be achieved.
SGD 79.00 - Cacao Paste
Made from wild-grown, non-GMO, 100% raw, heirloom variety (hon-hybrid), certified organic, kosher & fair trade ceremonial grade cacao.
SGD 36.00